"I'm singing for freedom/ I know I'm not the only one" (Run Kid Run "Freedom"). According to my favorite song, freedom can be achieved and only one person can grant it. The reasons why it's my favorite is because of the band as artists, the lyrics, and how I relate to it.I first thing I notice in a song is the music and the vocals that follow. Run Kid Run sing, "Freedom", which is currently my favorite song. They're a newly, popular Christian band. And not solemn hymnal music, though that's great too, I would classify them as a mix between alternative and soft rock. "Freedom" begins with a soft melody by piano playing and soft guitar strums. Drums pick up once the chorus starts bringing dramatical effect. But the one thing I picked up the most, in any song really, is the vocals. David Curtis is the lead vocalist and his voice overwhelms me. It's deep and buzzy pulling his emotions into the music. The last thing that keeps me hooked, is the lyrics. Their metaphorical of a prisoner compared to the life of a follower of God.Right off the bat, the lyrics begin with imagery. "All my chains I can't disengage/ I don't believe that I want to" (Run Kid Run "Freedom"). The narrator is trapped with no hope of escaping, but he wouldn't want to if he could. I believe this is the result of giving in to temptation and is now faced with the consequences. He continues with the next dilemma, "I keep holding my chains/ No longer bound/ Still you wait patiently" (Run Kid Run "Freedom"). Here the consequences are over; God has released his traps. However, he either doesn't want to give up his sin, or he too ashamed to come to God. And finally he gets a response, " take my hand grace has found you... in the end there's only love" (Run Kid Run "Freedom"). God reached his hand to pull him out of his misery. And though he couldn't see it, love was there, all he had to do is embrace it. But how do these lyrics with the music make it my favorite song?Well, I can relate to it. I enjoy the concept of freedom, beyond what my country gives me. I often feel enchained by anger the the problems that come my way. In the song, God rescued him as he has for me, and probably will again. I've gone through, from what I can tell, the same things the narrator has. So, it reminds me of difficult times and how God has pulled me out. This shows me, though I struggle too, it's encouraging to know I'm not the only one. This song also gives me a chance to worship. By remembering my past experiences, through the lyrics, I bring adoration to God. As well as, praises for his compassion, love, and forgiveness displayed in the song.So, though Run Kid Run is searching for freedom through difficulties and complete justice, for the time being, they bring us freedom. Often times we might forget, and they remind us of God's love through their song. They're a great band that bring thoughtful lyrics making "Freedom" an amazing song.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Spending Time With God
When I was little I always felt guilty if I didn't read my Bible or wanted to do something else instead. And it was wrong to watch tv at the same time. Well, when I started working at Mountain Lakes it would get really boring and I would run out of things to do sometimes, so I brought my Bible and would read in between customers. Then ever since I stopped working I would read my Bible while watching tv after Lily laid down for her nap. I think I do get insights from the Spirit while I'm reading, though I'm not giving my full attention. So, I thought it wasn't really a big deal. But something occured to me one night when I was done reading my usual studying I didn't want to stop, but I was tired of reading. I've been going through kind of a difficult time lately, just not really enjoying my circumstances and I've been waiting for some prayers to be answered for quiet some time. Not that I'm complaining, we all have to go through difficult times to grow. So, the last couple of weeks I've been looking for God's peace and some has filtered through my sorrow some days. So, that night I stared at the scriptures from a distance enough to see the words, but not actually read them. I felt a little relief and I imaged if God would be sitting across from me. And that's when I realized that's what I'm doing when I study the word. I'm spending time with God. Afterall they are his words his history. And how much more insight and peace I would feel if I read with the tv off. And that's why I feel comforted when I read the word.
Posted by Ammie at 1:13 PM 0 comments
We're Not Alone
There was a song in church the other morning that explained how we're free and no longer chained down so we can now shine to the world. Well, the line that explained how were redeemed and been set free really spoke to me. I think that when things get a little difficult we start forgetting what God's done in our lives and we don't feel very free. But though we may feel chained down by drugs, an unhealthy lifestyle, relationships, or just dealing with life itself, we're still free. Jesus doesn't want us to feel trapped by these things that's why he calls us to cast our cares on him. And I think it is still really difficult, but the thought that we have someone looking out for our interests is amazing.
Then it accured to me that we're not alone in our troubles. Yeah, we know that God is always around us and above us and in us. But I think we often take that for granted and don't really grasp it in our minds. And I think we think we feel guilty for not measuring up to what we know were suppose to do or prideful that we need to do and fix our fears or our mistakes or what causes sorrows on our own. I know I struggle with this. And Jesus reaches out to us when we're in need( or tugging at our hearts to come to him). Well, he did die on the cross so that we would no longer face the worst that comes our way all alone. When we're fearful or sad or stressed or angry or trapped by unwanted circumstances, whatever the case may be, he doesn't walk away or leave us to fend for ourselves. He's right there with us every step of the way.
And deeper than that, we are all sinners and whether we're not currently sinning, being tempted, or blinded by the actions we're doing, God still loves us. How could God love such corrupt and sinful people? Honestly, I'm not really sure, it's even hard for me to show love to those that have done wrong to me. I know that God see's our hearts for every spec that it is. Every corruption it has and every future wrong we'll make, but he looks past our sinful nature and love us for the person that we are. And I don't know about everyone else, but that means a lot to me because I'm a girl and hold a few insecurities and the person that created me and will judge me some day loves the person that I am, that's awesome. Think about it, though. You have a huge God has written all our names on his hand and will never faint or grow weary and who created this world with just a few words and see's us for who we exactly are and loves us anyway. So deeply it fact, that we can never ever comprehend or even recipricate to him or anyone else. So, to a loving person that see's everything past present and future and loves us beyond what anyone or anything can seperate why not spill our guts. Afterall, we're not alone and we're free to do so.
Posted by Ammie at 12:37 PM 0 comments